Here at Windsurfing UK we’re super stoked to have both Simon Bornhoft Windwise and Simon Winkley Windsurfing as our in house windsurf pro coaches. Both S’s have produced a number of instruction articles during the past 12 months, covering all those important windsurfing areas from beginner fundamentals on through into intermediate/advanced techniques. With that in mind we thought it a good idea to group these articles together in one complete reference package.
Hit the link below and you’ll be taken through to WSUK’s FREE coaching special where you’ll find all that valuable information. Download it, print it and keep next to your windsurfing kit as a handy manual to aid your progression. And don’t forget to share it so all your windsurfing buddies can make use of as well!
Stay tuned for more from both Simon’s in the New Year.
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