As windsurf foiling advances more and more affordable products – in particular foils – are appearing. Another French brand involved from the start Horue have spent a considerable amount of time developing their H10 EVO entry level (100% French made) windfoil. Coming in hybrid lay up with front and back carbon wings, stainless steel dismountable fuselage, carbon wrapped stainless steel mast and soft/flexible nose and tail it’s an unusual looking fly toy with its reverse angle of attack front wing – an intriguing trait that’s for sure.
Fitting to standard deep tuttle box boards, like most foils manufactured for windsurf hydro foiling, the 78.8cm mast is slightly cantered forwards for increased lift in low winds. It should also be noted that the H10 EVO’s rear wing has a thrust adjuster allowing for angle alterations dependant on wind strength. A word of warning; both wings and trailing edge of the Horue’s mast are super sharp! So much so that you really need to avoid kicking when swimming in the water.
Once afloat the H10 EVO begins lifting with decent power in the rig. You may need to tune you sail for more low end grunt, depending on how consistent (gusty) winds are – it likes a bit of oomph to get flying initially. Once up, however, the control of the H10 EVO is tangible. With a steady breeze there’s little undulation and it’s a relatively easy exercise for riders to find the sweet spot and sustain flights. If the wind should pick up then you may have to change down sail size as it does overpower quickly.
Gybes require concentration and focus as there’s a degree of push back from the foil. With time an efficient turn can be nailed down though. One particularly fun aspect of the H10 EVO is the foil’s ‘spring’. If you’ve got aspirations of sending your windfoil gear skyward then you’ll be happy to hear the Horue is an easy foil to boost with. This fits with the brand’s image of performance products. (If you haven’t seen any of the Horue Movie vids, with high wind aerial antics being performed, then check them out online).
All in Horue’s H10 EVO windfoil is a user friendly product that’ll get riders involved in flying without breaking the bank. Fixtures and fittings are solid with the foil having a welcome addition of tuning via the rear wing’s thrust adjustment shim. Riders may need to spend an initial amount of time getting to grips with what sails work best in different wind strengths and understanding the foil’s sweet spot. Aerialists will be rewarded with a flying machine that’ll aid further skyward boosts. As an affordable foil from a brand who know a thing or two about foils Horue’s H10 EVO will fit the bill for many.
Price: 799 Euros
Info: www.horue.fr/produits/gp/h10-evo
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