Parkinson's Disease and windsurfing - with Rob Britton.
Windsurfing UK Articles

Parkinson’s Disease and windsurfing – with Rob Britton.

Forword: Windsurfing UK. By Rob’s own admission in this article he was a 40 something happy, healthy active individual, who loved windsurfing and cycling. We know Rob well at Windsurfing UK. To say we were shocked when we found out about his Parkinson’s diagnosis is an understatement. Ever the positive chap, however, we’ve seen Rob doggedly refuse to let it […]

Inflatable windsurfing kit - perfect for kids learning and progressing.

Inflatable windsurfing kit – perfect for kids learning and progressing.

Inflatable windsurfing equipment technology is a direct result of the stand up paddle boarding and the popularity of air boards. Blow up equipment is now prevalent in most watersport disciplines. Having inflatable gear makes it much lighter an easier to use than usual component parts – especially where young children are concerned. With inflatable windsurfing equipment, young kids can learn […]

Learning to windfoil, with Dave Ludgate.
Windfoil UK

Learning to windfoil, with Dave Ludgate.

Irish windsurfer Dave Ludgate has recently begun his windfoil journey. The man from Cork says it’s been on his radar for a while. But only recently has he had the chance to get stuck in. Whilst he’s learning Dave is also aiming to document his progress via a series of vlogs. These are warts and all stories from each session […]

Windsurfing autumn 2021. Not too bad! (Gallery).
Windsurfing UK News

Windsurfing autumn 2021. Not too bad! (Gallery).

Windsurfing header image: Nik Baker, Avon Beach, South Coast. pic: Radical Exposure. Windsurfing this autumn (2021) has been pretty good by and large. At time of writing gusts are coming through in the Force 10 range at WSUK HQ. The last few weeks have seen all manner of windy shenanigans on the water. All parts of the UK have seen […]

Windsurfing done differently, with Henry Cartwright (videos).
Windsurfing UK Articles

Windsurfing done differently, with Henry Cartwright (videos).

Windsurfing can often appear to be all about waves and performance sailing in strong winds. Of course, for many, this rings true. But it doesn’t have to always be the case. As Henry Cartwright proves time and again. Possibly considered quirky by many his long distance windsurfing exploits, and unusual ways of riding, have certainly grabbed our attention. We’ve already […]

Jellyfish found at UK beaches - the most common.
Windsurfing UK Articles

Jellyfish found at UK beaches – the most common types.

Jellyfish blooms can drift into UK waters at any time of year. You often find them washed up on beaches after heavy storms or big swell. Trotting along the beach it’s not uncommon to discover that flat, round gelatinous member of the subphylum Medusozoa family dolloped unceremoniously on the sand! By all accounts, foxes love to snack on washed up […]

Windsurfing UK Articles

Autumn moves – time to step up your windsurfing skills?

Words: WSUK Pics: Oli Lane-Peirce, Mike Pringuer With autumn powering through as we write all this wind (which looks set to continue for a while yet) means there’s a reason to get out there and step up your windsurfing skills. After a lacklustre summer it’s as if someone’s flicked the switch and turned Momma Nature’s turbines back on. And with […]

Windsurfing UK News

Good news for Irish windsurfing – Mayo Mahem 2021 is on!

Yes, Yes, Yes, we are back! It’s time for all us windsurfers to meet up with friends old and new. From near and far, to have some fun on and off the water. Let’s find out who has used the last two years to improve their wave sailing and who has not. It’s time to find out…………….. MAYO MAYHEM 2021 […]

Windsurfing UK News

Dave Ludgate (aka Subowti) joins NCW’s Tahe Techno/Nautix Windsurfing freeride windsurf team.

You probably won’t know Cork based Dave Ludgate. He’s not a pro windsurfer and doesn’t charge huge Pe’ahi in Maui. He’s not a radical windfoil sailor and isn’t about to break the 60 knot speed barrier. But. He’s a super enthusiastic freerider and environemntally conscious sailor epitomising exactly what real world windsurfers are all about. Which is why NCW have […]

Windfoil UK

More than meets the eye – Tahe Techno Wind Foil 160L windsurf board test.

Words & pics: Tez Plavenieks Names mean nothing when it comes to windsurfing boards. In fact, when trying to decipher what gear does – having not actually tried the kit in question – it’s pretty hard to get a real handle on things. Most riders look at dimensions, but that too can be misleading because numbers, as with names, mean […]