Simon Winkley overseas winter windsurf clinics

Pics: John Humphries, Russell Groves,

Building on the success of his coaching weeks in Vassiliki, Greece over the past few years – UK-based windsurf coach and Starboard/Severne Team Rider Simon Winkley has teamed up with Sportif Travel to deliver a number of coaching holiday clinics in 2019. Each one has been carefully put together to provide a solid freeride learning platform in warm, flat-water locations with the best prospect of consistent planing winds.

• Langebaan, South Africa (Book by 15 October for a £100 discount for January!)
o 21-29 January 2019
o 25 November – 03 December 2019
• Costa Teguise, Lanzarote
o 18-25 March 2019
• Safaga, Red Sea
o 16-23 May 2019

Designed for intermediate to early-advanced windsurfers, these weeks are ideal for regular participants as well as holiday windsurfers or those who have been away from the sport for a while. Coaching includes looking into the fine detail of kit setup, harness, footstraps, speed control, tacking, carve gybes and variations, waterstarts, chop hops, jumps, non-planing freestlye and more. Use of GoPros with both Flymount mast/boom mounts and head mounts comes as standard as well as video coaching and DSLR stills.

Simon brings over 20 years professional experience and is a RYA Trainer (of instructors) and a technique writer for Windsurfing UK Magazine. His coaching will arm you with all the right ingredients for further improvements long after the holiday is over. Most of all – your time on and off the water will be fun and the holiday a pleasurable one!

Contact Sportif now to book: 01273 844919
Contact Simon:

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