Windsurfing UK Articles

Windsurfing UK New Year issue: the story behind the cover

Check out the cover from our imminent New Year issue – awesome isn’t? To the layman this may look like just another boosted aerial from Mauritius, One Eye. Yet it’s anything but… The rider in question is one Mike Wand-Tetley, some of you may have come across him. Firstly he’s a good sailor, but no pro. He just happened to […]

Windsurfing UK Profiles

Gibson’s world – Stephen Gibson pro windsurfer profile

Words: Stephen Gibson Pics: Gilbert Bara, James Gillespie Stephen Gibson is a long time windsurfer who moved to sunnier climes back in the 90s. Now a permanent fixture of Fuerteventura’s windsurfing scene SG still rips and enjoys the sport as much as ever. We tapped Gibbo up for a natter to see how things are these days. I started windsurfing […]

Windsurfing UK News

Emma Wilson wins UKWA Windsurfer of the Year Award

The UKWA are very pleased to announce the winner of the prestigious Windsurfer of the Year trophy for 2017/18 is Emma Wilson. Emma is an RS:X sailor nominated in the racing category and won the award after a public vote. At just 18 she is one of the youngest recipients of this award and unbelievably this is not the first time […]

Windsurfing UK News

Severne Mach 1 gets new pro windsurfing pilot: Matteo Iachino

Whether you’re a follower of pro windsurfing or not you can’t argue Severne’s 2018 Mach 1 slalom sail looks the biz. We’re sure we’l find out just how good it can be under the expert pilotage of pro windsurfer Matteo Iachino who joins Severne’s International Race Team for the 2018 season. Matteo said: “I’m really happy to be joining the Severne […]

Windsurfing UK Articles

Tarific windsurfing crashes from the Loftsails team in Spain

It’s comforting to know for the layman windsurfer that pros stack it just as much as we do. For every stomped move you see in vids/photos you can bet your bottom dollar there’ll be a myriad of stacks omitted from any final edits. For further proof of this check out the Loftsails team on location in Tarifa, Spain, to witness […]

Windsurfing UK Articles

Five beach fortnight – Mark Dowson’s two week windsurfing binge

Words/vid: Mark Dowson Pics: Alex Parker, Justin Goodwin, Ian Whittaker, Steve Laddiman & Tracy Dennington  The BWA Cornwall Wave Classic in October half term was one of the first dates to be pencilled onto the calendar hanging on our kitchen wall. The plan was that Helen would go to the Canaries with her sister and soak up the rays, whilst I […]

Windsurfing UK News

2017 UKWA Windsurfer of the year nominees – who are you going to vote for?

‘Tis the season…the UKWA unveil their nominees for the 2017 Windsurfer of the Year. Now it goes to you in a public vote to decide who will be awarded the title. Previous winners have been Olympic champions Nick Dempsey and Bryony Shaw, speed legends Farrell O’shea and Zara Davis, freestylers Andy Chambers and last year’s winner Max Rowe. But obtaining […]

Windsurfing UK Articles

Holiday windsurfing – let’s bring it back home (the benefits of windsurfing in the UK & abroad)

Words: Mic Brignall Pics: Lawrence Sinclair Regular WSUK contributor talks about the merits of windsurfng back in UK waters and not just aboard on your holibobs. Skateboarding, surfing, snowboarding: these sports all have something in common (and it’s not just the letter S!). Supposedly their heyday has been and gone – some say the same as windsurfing. It’s a sad […]