Windsurfing UK Coaching

Simon Winkley overseas winter windsurf clinics

Pics: John Humphries, Russell Groves, Building on the success of his coaching weeks in Vassiliki, Greece over the past few years – UK-based windsurf coach and Starboard/Severne Team Rider Simon Winkley has teamed up with Sportif Travel to deliver a number of coaching holiday clinics in 2019. Each one has been carefully put together to provide a solid freeride learning […]

Windsurfing UK Kit Tests

Get a grip! – MK Windsurfing CPX 150-210 carbon boom review

MK have been a longstanding UK windsurfing company that’s supplying high quality windsurfing accessories since 1979. In 2016 the company was sold to new owner Larry Chan – an expert windsurfer in his own right – who set about revamping the brand. For 2017 there are a couple of new products that have been added to the range, of which […]

Windsurfing UK News

2XS® DEMO WEEKEND + KING OF THE TRENCH – 20/21st Oct 2018 – West Wittering

Club Vass and 2XS® will be running the UKWA National Title freestyle event alongside the 2XS®Demo weekend. It will turn into a tow event if the wind is light.  The Club Vass team will be here in force over the weekend to add this event to our demo weekend. We are expecting some of the UK’s hottest freestylers including Max […]

Windsurfing UK Articles

Keith Atkinson: windsurfing fitness, with Fitsix active clothing – straight arm pull down

Words: Keith Atkinson Pic: Andy Stallman In part eight of this series we pay another visit to the muscle group called ‘Lats’ for short. This time, an isolation move which essentially means, working the specific muscle group without utilising other muscles to help the movement. Here we have the straight-arm pulldown, it’s a great exercise to target one of the main muscles you […]

Windsurfing UK Profiles

Simon says… – Simon Bassett (of 2XS fame) windsurfer profile

Interview: WSUK Pics: James Jagger, Dave White Simon Bassett is the ever familiar face of 2XS club, school and shop at one of the south coast’s best loved windsurfing spots: West Wittering, West Sussex. Involved with windsurfing since the very start we sat down for a natter with SB to find out more. Tell us when you first discovered windsurfing […]

Windsurfing UK Articles

Chipping away #2 – being the other half, with Gina Chippington

Words: Gina Chippington Pics: Simon Chippington Having delved into the life of RRD slalom/speed sailor Simon Chippington (autumn 2017 Windsurfing UK mag) this time round we’re speaking with Simon’s better half Gina. Gina isn’t a windsurfer. By her own admission she’s not interested in saltwater (much). But she’s super loyal to hubby and travels to many events, cheering him on […]

Windsurfing UK Articles

Keith Atkinson: windsurfing fitness, with Fitsix active clothing – tricep extension

Words: Keith Atkinson Pic: Andy Stallman The Triceps, usually just called the triceps, is a three-headed muscle located at the back of the upper arm. These muscles’ primary function is to extend the elbow, and the long head helps the Latissimus Dorsi muscle (big muscle group located on the back), to bring the arm toward the body. Strong triceps contribute […]

Windfoil UK

Up in the air – Horue H10 EVO windsurf foil test

As windsurf foiling advances more and more affordable products – in particular foils – are appearing. Another French brand involved from the start Horue have spent a considerable amount of time developing their H10 EVO entry level (100% French made) windfoil. Coming in hybrid lay up with front and back carbon wings, stainless steel dismountable fuselage, carbon wrapped stainless steel […]

Windsurfing UK Kit Tests

(More than) a bag of tricks – Loftsails Airscape 4.8m 2018 freestyle windsurf sail test

Pics: James Jagger Attach the ‘freestyle’ moniker to a product and it can be an instant turn off for many. With a large proportion of sailors fitting the freeride mould thoughts of aerial contortionism and bendy man/woman shenanigans couldn’t be farther from recreational windsurfing realms. Yet the benefits freestyle tools offer actually suit everyman windsurfers more than you’d think: early […]

Windsurfing UK Kit Tests

Redline freeride – Severne Fox 105 2018 freeride windsurf board test

Following on from WSUK’s review of the Dyno 105 this time round we’re spotlighting Severne’s sporty freeride model the Fox 105. Coming in blaring orange/red livery, ensuring it stands out on the beach/water, the Fox displays similar design traits you often see on slalom boards – a scooped out deck, outboard footstraps, hull cutouts in the tail and an overall […]