Windsurfing history encyclopedia

B – Boards windsurfing magazine

Simply put: if there was no Boards windsurfing magazine there would be no Windsurfing UK. Laying the foundations of what a (mainly) UK focused windy mag should look like Boards took a slightly different approach to their presentation of the sport. For many years Bill Dawes edited the magazine and it was he at the helm when Boards started inviting […]

Windsurfing UK Kit Tests

Progressive performer – Loftsails Oxygen 7.3m HD 2018 sail test

Pics: James Jagger Having used a number of Monty Spindler’s windsurf sail designs there’s a glaringly obvious trait running through all. Every design has two faces – the Oxygen 7.3m being no different. Once sheathed to its ideal mast the minimum setting displays an impressively bellied out main section that’s shaped for pure power and low end planing. Whack the […]

Windsurfing UK Kit Tests

Three of a kind – Mistral Quikslide 100L, 110L, 120L freeride windsurf board comparison test

Words: WSUK Pics: James Jagger, WSUK You’d be forgiven for thinking Mistral parked their involvement with windsurfing a while back. Yet the recognisable red dot brand has always remained, just bubbling under the surface these last few seasons. Towards the end of 2018 Mistral announced they were fully back in the game with introduction of their line of Quikslide freeride […]

Windsurfing history encyclopedia

P – Peter Chilvers: inventor of the windsurfer

Peter Chilvers is credited as being the godfather and inventor of the modern windsurfer as we know it. Pete created his sailboard in 1958 and used the waters surrounding Hayling Island, south coast, UK, as testing grounds for his invention. During the 1980s a lawsuit was filed against Chilvers/Tabur Marine by Windsurfing International who disputed Pete’s patent. The court eventually ruled in […]

Windsurfing history encyclopedia

A – Arnaud de Rosnay: windsurfing pioneer, adventurer and photographer

Arnaud de Rosnay was a French windsurfer, adventurer and photographer. His sailing featured many long distance, solo windsurf crossings including navigation of the Behring Strait, sailing between the Marquesas and the Tuamotu Archipelago, crossing the waters between Florida and Cuba and crossing the Strait of La Perouse between Hokkaido and Sakhalin. He was eventually lost at sea whilst attempting the crossing […]

Windsurfing UK Articles

Head honch – the UK Windsurfing Association’s Bob Ingram in profile

Interview: WSUK Pics: Andy Stallman Bob Ingram has held down the position of UKWA head honcho since 2009. A fan of all aspects of windsurfing – not least raceboard and formula – Bob’s still as hungry as ever and super keen to get afloat, deliver the goods in terms of events and generally spread the good word of windsurfing. Here’s […]

Windsurfing UK Articles

Windsurfing obsession – Mark Dowson windsurfer profile

Interview: WSUK Pics: Russell Groves Regular Windsurfing UK contributor, Lanzarote loving, committed wave sailor and (now) BWA press officer Mark Dowson’s enthusiasm for windsurfing is second to none. Frequenting many different UK beaches, as well as putting in hours across the drink in Lanza, he’s a committed wave hound and a nice guy to boot. We caught up with Mark […]

Windsurfing UK windsurf travel

Club Vass family windsurf holidays (or: getting your kids hooked on windsurfing)

Words: Tez Plavenieks Pics: Tez & Fi Plavenieks It’s a dilemma for anyone into windsurfing with offspring. Imparting enough inspiration/information and encouraging your kids without being overly pushy can be tricky. If the magic happens then they too will have their imaginations pricked and soon be blasting back and forth with mum and dad (if both parents sail). The difficulty, […]

Windsurfing UK Kit Tests

Fly toy – Duotone F-Type 5.8m 2019 windfoil specific windsurf sail

There’s a lot to be thankful for in terms of design with the arrival of windfoiling. With a new discipline comes all manner of out of the box ideas and concepts that could straddle standard windsurfing in time. Not least a new brand name Duotone’s spangly foil specific F-Type 5.8m is a case in point. Once unfurled it’s obvious the […]