RRD were one of the first brands to introduce the thinned out freeride board concept. Short and wide boards (Widestyle anyone?) aren’t exactly new but utilising the concept and tweaking to enhance the blasting/everyman planing windsurfing experience has been a winner.
The version we got our grubbies on is RRD’s E-Tech FM. E-Tech is RRD’s harder wearing technology that shakes off knocks and bumps. During testing we put the FireMove through its paces on location at Neilson’s new Sardinia centre. All kit will see heavy use so it’s nice to know the RRD is up to the task. The only thing we’d say is watch out for the 42cm fibreglass fin which does pick up nicks.
Thinking behind this style of board is riders can drop a size (in terms of dimensions) and still retain the properties of sailing a bigger board – but with enhanced manoeuvrability and a more comfortable riding sensation. RRD’s 120L is more like a bigger board, in terms of its early planing.
At the merest sniff of a gust it does everything possible to get going. With proactive rider input light airs are no hurdle and you’ll be shooting off at full power in no time. It’s probably the earliest planing board of this style in its respective category we’ve tried.
We were simply blown away with the FireMove 120L’s speed at full chat. Locking down the board increases efficiency, the FireMove racing and accelerating as each puff of wind hits. As riders force more into the 120L the more it responds. It’s also a user friendly board for carving. The more you put in the more you get out.
Cranking into full rail gybes, downwind 360’s or ducks reveals the manoeuvre orientated sled the FireMove is. We’d go so far as to say that anyone into old school freestyle would love the 120L even though it may be perceived as too big, which simply isn’t the case.
And then there’s the jumping element. Boosting off chop and wavelets is perfectly doable. OK, we’ll admit there are more efficient machines for airtime shenanigans but you can’t sniff at the FireMove 120L’s way of doing things. Time it right and riders will be rewarded with a fulfilling floaty jump. Not high, but long, the board’s fuller nose helping keep it airborne a fair distance down your run.
Every brand has a magic range of boards and this is one of RRD’s. We remember testing an original RRD FireMove nearly ten years ago and being impressed. For 2017 the FireMove 120L has undergone a few subtle tweaks but ultimately remains an accessible and fun board to boot about on. Fast, smooth and delivering a carving experience that’s hard to rival RRD’s FireMove 120L E-Tech sled is bound to put a big beaming grin on your face.
Price: £1264
Info: http://www.robertoriccidesigns.com/year-22/windsurf/boards/firemove-ltd-wood-e-tech-v3/
Check out Mic Brignall’s write up of RRD’s FireMOve version here – www.windsurfingukmag.co.uk/burning-bright-rrd-firemove-100l-e-tech-2017-windsurf-board-review/
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