Foilshop UK – our friends of all things foiling – have just published their ‘how to become a wing foiler’ article. As they say this is a post based on personal experience as well as extensive and multiple conversations with other real world wingers.
Wing foiling is often billed as super easy. Especially if you have previous watersports experience. But just like everything in life, wingsurfing’s its own thing that requires the same amount of input you’d give to anything new.

How to become a wing foiling is a long form piece that has much info. It may take a few reads to digest all of it. Alternatively, pick out your required points from the headings within the article. Also, stay tuned to Foilshop UK and this article as it’s a fluid piece that’ll be updated regularly. After all, the wingsurfing industry is rapidly evolving.
Check out Foilshop UK’s ‘how to become a wing foiler’ article via this link.
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