Words and pics: WSUK
Is there anything more fulfilling than spending time afloat with your kids? As avid windsurfers we love nothing more than our offspring showing interest in what we do for recreation. Not all kids get it, we’ll admit, but those that do will no doubt spend hours afloat with mum, dad or both.
We especially love it when we see young girls picking up a rig – in this instance an Arrows Inflatables iRig, ably demonstrated by the young sailor in the pics. WSUK reviewed the iRig M a while ago and we’re now starting to see increasing numbers of them appear at the beach (you can read Windsurfing UK’s iRig M review here – www.windsurfingukmag.co.uk/sail-away-sail-away-arrows-irig-m-inflatable-windsurf-rig-review/).
We’re not sure who the pair are in the pics but they were sure having a ball whilst out afloat at WSUK’s local. (If you know the dynamic duo then do put them this way). If you’ve yet to step aboard then now’s the time. Water temps, we can most definitely confirm, are warming up and the weather (as we write) is sublime. Get out, get afloat and and have some fun with your wee ones!
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