Words: WSUK
Pics: Oli Lane-Peirce, Mike Pringuer

After a lacklustre summer it’s as if someone’s flicked the switch and turned Momma Nature’s turbines back on. And with oodles of breeze, a few stunt ramps and still warm ish weather and water temperatures, it’d be a crime to let it all go to waste and not improve your sailing game.

Now, don’t get us wrong, we’re not saying everyone should be heading for the double forward (although if this is where your head’s at then maybe). For those with less inclination for hospital food far simpler moves are achievable. Maybe you fancy a crack at the duck gybe? Perhaps you have a penchant for whirly twirly freestyle moves. If aerial antics are your thing then loopy doopys could be on the list? Or it could be dialling in more consistency with your carve gybes.

Whatever windsurfing level you’re at there’s a progressive next step that’s got your name on it. So get out there, give it a shot and who knows where your windsurfing will be in a few days, weeks or months.

Here’s to autumn!
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