Windsurfing UK Kit Tests

Boosting parallels – Fanatic Freewave Stubby 105L 2017 windsurf board review

Non-POV pics James Jagger Photography Freestyle wave boards: the do it all, go to tools for most windsurfers looking to dabble with all kinds of sailing. Except we know no one single piece of windsurfing equipment can cover all bases, can it? Fanatic have made rapid progress with their stubby parallel rail concept FSW. With its duck’s bill nose and […]

Windsurfing UK Articles

The ultimate windsurfing selfie – shoot yourself POV style

Words: Mark Dowson Pics: Mark Dowson, Steve Thorp, Steve Laddiman The windsurfing selfie seems to be synonymous with the GoPro action cam fish-eye type shot and it is pure Marmite, in so much as people seem to either love them or hate them (especially long, long videos). Personally, I’m firmly in the ‘love ‘em’ camp, and this is why… It’s […]

Windsurfing UK Kit Tests

Built to move – ION Radius windsurf waist harness review

Words: WSUK Pics: WSUK, James Jagger Photography Windsurfing harnesses have come a long way in the last few years. Gone are the days of having exposed, chafe inducing webbing straps rubbing at your sensitive bits. Nowadays everything’s a bit more engineered, polished and tech. Ergonomic 3D pre-shaping, support where you most need and all manner of bell and whistle features […]

Windsurfing UK - RYA

RYA: Making the most of windsurfing taster days

Words: RYA Pics: RYA, Dave White, Hannah Reilly Following the Olympic Games in Rio last year, 2017 provides the perfect opportunity to inspire more people than ever to give windsurfing a go. But how do you turn this opportunity into action and run tasters and open days that give people the best experience to keep them coming back for more? […]

Windsurfing UK Articles

Sunny time tuning – slalom pro training in warmer climes

Words and pics: Russell Groves Why spend a month training and tuning slalom kit somewhere warm and windy? Sounds like there’s an obvious answer when you ask the question out loud but then not everything is black and white. Sometimes you think it is better to train alone in secret, so when the season comes, people will get a surprise, […]

Windsurfing UK Profiles

‘Making it’ as a windsurfing pro with Kurosh Kiani

Words: Kurosh Kiani Pics: John Carter/PWA Kurosh Kiani has been a long-standing competitor on the PWA’s slalom circuit. Kurosh, however, is a realistic racer when it comes to life as a pro. He’s not one for putting all eggs in one basket. Getting straight down to the nitty gritty we caught up with KK to get the story on how […]

Windsurfing UK News

UK windsurfers put on good show at Dunkerbeck GPS Speed Challenge, 2017

Fuertventura’s speed spot, Matas Blancas in the south, once again delivered a fantastic week of challenging conditions that pushed the 55 strong fleet of men, women and kids to their limits. Conditions varied with riders being maxed out on their smallest 5m sails one minute to making the most of light airs on 7.8m the next. The UK had a […]

Windsurfing UK News

Dunkerbeck Speed Challenge: Ladies fleet dominated by Zara Davis

The UK’s Zara Davis is putting on a fine display at the Dunkerbeck GPS Speed Challenge, Matas Blancas, Fuerteventura. Although on top she is being kept honest and chased hard by her rival from last year Anne Schindler and  new comer to speed Miriam Rasmussen from Norway who lies in third. The best speed sailors from around the world descended […]

Windsurfing UK Articles

Bonaire: an inspiration – with Get Windsurfing’s Danielle Lucas

Words: Danielle Lucas Pics: Get Windsurfing, LACBAYVILLA.COM We were looking for ideas for a new flat water location over the winter period and after lots of encouragement, we finally took the advice of the Hibdige family (who kindly let us stay in their stunning villa,, overlooking beautiful Lac Bay) and booked our flights for a 5 week trip to Bonaire […]

Windsurfing UK Articles

Tips from the top – Sportif’s top 2017 windsurfing holiday recommendations

Words and pics: Jane Faughnan, Sportif Travel With better weather comes thoughts of overseas windsurfing adventures. But where to head on your holibobs this season? Jane Faughnan from Sportif gives some suggestions. Jane says: ‘We have over 60 worldwide destinations to choose, from summer locations in the Mediterranean to more exotic spots further afield. Whether you’re on a budget or […]