Windfoil UK

Windfoil Zone: launches worldwide windfoil directory – Romain Jourdan tells all

After many hours of frustration searching the web trying to find information about windfoiling Romain Jourdan decided to start, a website dedicated to foil windsurfing and partner of Windsurfing UK Magazine. ‘I was sick of looking through forums and many websites with only titbits and small pieces of information about windfoiling. I understood that there may be a need […]

Windfoil UK

Windfoil Zone: Tips for flying on your windfoil in lighter winds

Pic: James Jagger If you’ve got to grips with the basics of windfoiling, most likely in moderately strong winds, then you’re probably looking to lift off in lighter airs. Read more about flying your foil in lower wind speeds by following the link below to the Windfoil Zone article – Windsurf foiling tips: getting up and flying in light airs […]

Windsurfing UK Kit Tests

Upgraded Ianovated windsurfing palmless mitts first run out (review)

With the recent UK spring weather not being exactly spring-like it’s been a good period for testing cold water windsurfing gear and how well this kit stands up to the chill. Here Windsurfing UK’s editor, Tez Plavenieks, took the upgraded Ianovated palmless mitts for a first run out. Many may recall the, er, innovative wetsuit featuring rubber tubes running down […]

Windsurfing UK Articles

Beast from the East Dublin style – cold windsurfing action from Ireland

It’s no secret that we’ve had one of the coldest starts to spring (official) this year. With the recent dubbed ‘Beast from the East’ weather phenomenon hitting UK shores, bringing super frigid winds and snow, there were a few hardy souls ready to brave the conditions and get their windsurfing fix. Check out the vid from Lukadventure Media on YouTube.

Windsurfing UK Kit Tests

Compact efficiency – Severne Dyno 105 2018 freestyle wave board test

With Severne’s brand new 2018 Dyno freestyle wave board range starting to become widely available we thought it an apt time to publish the 105 test. Read on for more… Non-POV pics: James Jagger Photography Having been passed Severne’s brand new 2018 Dyno 105 freestyle wave board we weren’t quite sure what to expect. The main thing riders will notice […]

Windsurfing UK Articles

Doable moves: James Cox’s nitro injected forward loops (and controlling them when overpowered)

Words: James Cox (Bigsalty Weather) Pics: Fergus Cowhig, Greg Dunnett, Jamie Hancock, Caroline Radway We’ve talked about the forward on Windsurfing UK’s website. But with so many variations, and styles to the move, it’s always good to get some other perspectives and tips. James Cox, owner of, talks us through injecting some nitro into your forward loops and controlling […]

Windsurfing UK Articles

Sleeping in cars – windsurfing as a student in the South West

Words: Ben Page – Pics: Simon Burgess, Jan Bowden, Luke Raistrick, Stefan Hilder For many windsurfers winter means a training trip to an exotic location such as South Africa or Maui. But what of the UK in winter? It’s no secret that the winter months are our wildest in terms of weather, with the south west of England bearing the […]

Windfoil UK

Windfoil test preview vid featuring AHD’s AFS-2 & Horue’s H10 Evo

Windsurfing UK’s editor, Tez Plavenieks, gives us a little preview of what’s to come as far as windfoil test reports are concerned in the next issue. Here we’re looking at AHD’s AFS-2 high performance 100% carbon hyrdrofoil and Horue’s entry level carbon/stainless steel mix H1o Evo. Windfoil test preview – AFS-2, Horue H10 Evo A preview of what we've got […]

Windfoil UK

Buggin’ out – Bug Fins and Foils windsurf hydrofoil test

With foiling pricking so many interests currently we thought it an idea to spotlight one of the boutique brands out there producing flying gear. With UK slalom sailor Jason Clarke utilising kit from Slovenian brand Bug (check out the Q&A we did with Jason re his work with Bug here) we decided to get on the case and see what’s […]

Windsurfing UK News

The National Watersport Festival back at Rutland Water in June

It’s back – the 12th National Watersports Festival (NWF) heads to Rutland Water East Midlands between 8th – 10th June, for a for a three-day, non-stop extravaganza of windsurfing and stand up paddle boarding! Attracting all ages and levels, from complete beginners to Olympic level riders the NWF is one big celebration of watersports love! Racing, demos, talks, trade show, clinics, live music, […]